Some suggestions for CS PhD statements of purpose

One of my favorite things about interacting with young researchers is to help them navigate the process of 1) deciding whether they want to pursue a PhD, and 2) if they decide so, to help them navigate the application process.

One big part of that of course ends up being providing feedback on their statements of purpose. I have found that I very often end up providing the same feedback to different prospective applicants, and so I figured it didn’t hurt to consolidate this in one location.

I am aware that other CS researchers have provided their own suggestions for such documents, and I highly encourage prospective applicants to read those as well – overall, I find that gathering as much info as possible and then deciding what works for you is the best way to work around the uncertainty of a PhD application process.

My suggestions are presented as basic “rules” but they are of course not really rules, you can break these, more just guidelines.

Some more general advice: